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Moon Township Little League

Registration Listing

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There are no programs or divisions available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.

Fall Baseball

Pony League
13-14 Year-olds.  This is an in-house league. This is advanced youth baseball. This is the first level where all the rules of baseball start to come into play on a larger field. The season normally includes 10 games depending on the weather. Pony League Baseball is for 13 and 14 year olds as of April 30 of the following year. Teams are drafted right after registration ends. 

Little League
11 - 12 Year-olds.  This is an in-house league. This is the second level of player pitch baseball. This is the level where things start to look a lot more like real baseball. There are still restrictions on base running and defense. The season normally includes 10 games depending on the weather. Little League Baseball is for 11 and 12 year olds as of April 30 of the following year. Teams are formed right after registration ends.

Minor League
9 - 10 Year-olds.  This is an in-house league. This is the first level of player pitch baseball. At this level the concepts of baseball are added to the fundamentals being taught. Kids continue to learn what to do in defensive and offensive situations. There are no scores or standings kept in the fall as the goal is continuing to educate the players. The season normally includes 10 games depending on the weather. Minor League Baseball is for 9 and 10 year olds as of April 30 of the following year. Teams are formed right after registration ends.

Midget League (Coach Pitch)
7 - 8 Year-olds.  This is an in-house league.  This is a learning level of baseball for players to get used to hitting pitched baseballs. It also increases the level of play on defense. There are no scores or standings kept at this level as the goal is continuing to educate the players. The season normally includes 10 games depending on the weather. Midget League Baseball is for 7 and 8 year olds as of April 30 of the following year. Teams are formed right after registration ends.

Modified T-Ball
For Fall only, offered to 5 & 6 year olds next spring. This level of baseball allows the player to receive 3 pitched balls per at bat. If the player is unable to hit one of the 3 pitched balls a Tee is used. There are no scores or standings. The season normally includes 10 games depending on the weather. Teams generally practice one night per week and play games on Saturday. Practices are once a week and games are on Saturdays at Baker Field Complex. In the event of a rainout, practice times may be used for games. Teams are formed right after registration ends.

Since we do not offer a T-Ball program in the fall we do let kids that will be 5 year olds next year to play Modified T-Ball in the Fall, but next year they will have to move back down to T-Ball. There will be no exceptions to this rule. The Fall season of Modified T-ball is for 5-6 year olds as of April 30 of the following year.

Playing Age will be determined by the player’s age on April 30th the following Spring.

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